Welcome to GS Foods.com

Thank you for visiting one of the most comprehensive foodservice sites on the Internet. We wanted our site to be easy to use, informative, and allow our foodservice partners to shop our 9,5OO plus line items. In our site you can explore our products, request a quotation, find out about this months special offerings, and research the world of new products And because we wanted our site to be a "virtual" resource, we have included links to important related sites everything from upcoming seminars, to government food handling safety links, to recipes and more. When Goldberg and Solovy Foods was founded over 30 years ago, we adopted our logo of “SERVICE SERVICE, AND M0RE SERVICE” Our team of employees has worked hard to bring meaning to our motto. You will find our internet site to be another example of our commitment to serving our foodservice partner. As you explore our site, you find meaningful information that will help you in your day-to-day operation. Please take the time to e-mail us with any suggestions that you think will improve our site. For all your suggestions and comments, please e-mail us at: marketing@gsfoods.com